More Increases and Decreases
Plus One, Minus One
Yarn Over (YO)
Increases And Decreases
Lace Knitting often utilizes increases and decreases in the same row, so that the total number of stitches does not change after you complete a row, but will be changing as you work across the row, using increases such as the yo and decreases such as the k2tog, ssk and psso. Slip Slip Knit (SSK)
Pass Slipped Stitch Over (PSSO)
Different Slants
The k2tog and ssk decreases create different slants in the resulting stitch that can contribute to the appearance of a stitch. Make 1 left or make 1 right also produce different slants in the increased stitch that change the way the final product looks. Make One (M1)
Shape It Til You Make It
Sizing With Shaping
Increases and decreases are what create shape in garments such as hats and sweaters. it's the key to going beyond the square items you learned to knit long ago. Knowing how these stitches change the shape of your knitting can help you when you have to make adjustments beyond those described in the pattern. |
Beyond The Basics
Beyond the basic knit and purl stitches, increases and decreases are what make knitted items into clothes you can wear, cute animals, and whatever other creative thing that can be knitted. And the options for increasing and decreasing don't stop at the basic ones either. For example, you can knit 3 together! or even 6! And you can do other crazy things like purl 3 together through the back loop! (though that one isnt my favorite). It's all about a designer's whim. |