Knitting Glossary
BO .......... bind off/cast off
C4B ..............Cable 4 Back
C4F ..............Cable 4 Front
CO ................. cast on
dec.................... decrease
dpns or dp .............. double pointed needles or double pointed
inc.................... increase
K .....................knit
k2tog (dec)............ knit 2 together
kfb (inc)........... knit front and back, knit into the front and back of the stitch
ktbl (ptbl) ..............knit (or purl) through the back loop
LH ............... left hand
LHN...............left hand needle
m1 (inc) ...............make 1
m1L (inc) .......... make 1 left
m1R (inc) ........make 1 right
P .................... purl
p2tog (dec).............. purl two together
pm marker
psso (dec) ............. pass slipped stitch over - same as skp
ptbl..................purl through the back loop
Rev St st ..............Reverse Stockinette Stitch (k on WS)
RH ............ right hand
RHN..............right hand needle
RS ....................right side
skp (dec).......... slip, knit, pass - same as pass slipped stitch over
sm ....................slip marker
sl ................ slip, always as if to purl unless specified otherwise
ssk (dec) ............. slip slip knit
St st .................Stockinette Stitch (k on RS)
sts ............stitches
T4B ...............Twist 4 Back
T4F ...............Twist 4 Front
WS ....................wrong side
wyib ................working yarn in back, same as yarn back
wyif .............working yarn in front, or yarn front
yb ................working yarn in back, same as yarn back
yf .............working yarn in front, same as yarn front
C4B ..............Cable 4 Back
C4F ..............Cable 4 Front
CO ................. cast on
dec.................... decrease
dpns or dp .............. double pointed needles or double pointed
inc.................... increase
K .....................knit
k2tog (dec)............ knit 2 together
kfb (inc)........... knit front and back, knit into the front and back of the stitch
ktbl (ptbl) ..............knit (or purl) through the back loop
LH ............... left hand
LHN...............left hand needle
m1 (inc) ...............make 1
m1L (inc) .......... make 1 left
m1R (inc) ........make 1 right
P .................... purl
p2tog (dec).............. purl two together
pm marker
psso (dec) ............. pass slipped stitch over - same as skp
ptbl..................purl through the back loop
Rev St st ..............Reverse Stockinette Stitch (k on WS)
RH ............ right hand
RHN..............right hand needle
RS ....................right side
skp (dec).......... slip, knit, pass - same as pass slipped stitch over
sm ....................slip marker
sl ................ slip, always as if to purl unless specified otherwise
ssk (dec) ............. slip slip knit
St st .................Stockinette Stitch (k on RS)
sts ............stitches
T4B ...............Twist 4 Back
T4F ...............Twist 4 Front
WS ....................wrong side
wyib ................working yarn in back, same as yarn back
wyif .............working yarn in front, or yarn front
yb ................working yarn in back, same as yarn back
yf .............working yarn in front, same as yarn front