Astraknots creator/owner: Genevieve a.k.a. Wildvine

Genevieve is a Colorado native and life-long crafter. Taught to crochet by her mom (while watching Broncos' games!), and to cross-stitch from her best friend's mom, by age 10 she was staying up late to cross stitching birth announcements for her cousins, latch hooking pillows, needle point gingerbread house tissue box covers and other holiday craft kits - whatever she could get her hands on.
In 2005, Simplicity Says a.k.a. Becca, her best friend, came home from New York and said she had seen a girl knitting on the train and that they had to learn the craft. Eagerly, the two friends began their adventure in knitting, teaching themselves to knit by deciphering difficult diagrams from knitting books with each other (because YouTube didn't exist yet!).
As the addiction to knitting formed, Genevieve moved to Lakewood, CO and found her first LYS, The Recycled Lamb, which Cheryl had recently purchased. Genevieve entered a hat in the annual March Mad Hatters Contest, and it got such a resounding response that Cheryl asked Genevieve if she would like to teach classes at the shop. Genevieve accepted and began her knitting instruction at the Lamb. She taught there for over nine years before the shop closed in 2016.
After teaching private classes for several years at Colorful Yarns in Centennial, CO, she now lives up the hill from Golden and teaches classes at her LYS, The Tangled Ball in Edgewater, CO. As of 2022, she became a Knitting Coach for KnitChats and helps knitters with their questions and projects daily via the online community.
Genevieve continues to offer private lessons to students seeking more help, as well as creating high definition knitting help videos as extra support. She created this entire website, inspired by her close friends who are constantly asking her for custom knitted creations, as well as strangers impressed with her knitted wears.
In 2012, she formerly started Astraknots LLC and built the first version of from scratch. By day Genevieve is a Software Engineering Manager, so she knows knitting patterns are just like code [See this video about this Genevieve did for Denver Startup Week in 2019 about the similarities of knitting and coding]. She loves teaching knitting and does video classes to reach an even broader audience of knitters and soon-to-be knitters, both locally and abroad.
In 2005, Simplicity Says a.k.a. Becca, her best friend, came home from New York and said she had seen a girl knitting on the train and that they had to learn the craft. Eagerly, the two friends began their adventure in knitting, teaching themselves to knit by deciphering difficult diagrams from knitting books with each other (because YouTube didn't exist yet!).
As the addiction to knitting formed, Genevieve moved to Lakewood, CO and found her first LYS, The Recycled Lamb, which Cheryl had recently purchased. Genevieve entered a hat in the annual March Mad Hatters Contest, and it got such a resounding response that Cheryl asked Genevieve if she would like to teach classes at the shop. Genevieve accepted and began her knitting instruction at the Lamb. She taught there for over nine years before the shop closed in 2016.
After teaching private classes for several years at Colorful Yarns in Centennial, CO, she now lives up the hill from Golden and teaches classes at her LYS, The Tangled Ball in Edgewater, CO. As of 2022, she became a Knitting Coach for KnitChats and helps knitters with their questions and projects daily via the online community.
Genevieve continues to offer private lessons to students seeking more help, as well as creating high definition knitting help videos as extra support. She created this entire website, inspired by her close friends who are constantly asking her for custom knitted creations, as well as strangers impressed with her knitted wears.
In 2012, she formerly started Astraknots LLC and built the first version of from scratch. By day Genevieve is a Software Engineering Manager, so she knows knitting patterns are just like code [See this video about this Genevieve did for Denver Startup Week in 2019 about the similarities of knitting and coding]. She loves teaching knitting and does video classes to reach an even broader audience of knitters and soon-to-be knitters, both locally and abroad.