For my day job, I'm a computer scientist. Which means, amongst my duties, one is writing code. I enjoy that part very much. When I went to school for it, I also earned a certificate in Cognitive Science, an interdisciplinary field incorporating Computer Science, Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience and Philosophy. Which pretty much encompasses all of my favorite topics.
My career path has often circled around a particular theme, one of 'maps'. In fact I started out on a research project named MAPS (Memory Aided Prompting System) which was a mobile application (back before mobile devices were ubiquitous) that allowed caregivers to configure a set of visual and audio prompts for people with developmental disabilities. After college, my first job was for a GIS (geo-spatial information systems) company, working on proprietary software that enabled searching and mapping out everything involved with gas and electric utilities on digital maps. While I was there, I almost took a job in another area I have a strong interest, genetics, working on mapping the genome. This was similar to a college project where I helped create a application that matched up rat, mouse and human genomes.
So I've always been passionate about 'mappings'. And I love reading about the human brain. There are a lot of similarities between computers and brains, and I love drawing connections between as many things as possible. Just as computers run on code, I believe life does too. And this reminds me of course of astrology, which is like a star map of the cosmos, drawing connections within and between human life.
Speaking of code, I find that knitting patterns are written in a specific language, one that is encoded. I was once asked if I could encode secret messages in knitting patterns. That made me laugh - but sure! I told him. And that has made me think, what if we encoded particular intention into our knitting? I believe we already do, when we knit something for someone's baby, or knit a gift, aren't we encoding the intention of spreading love and sending appreciation to that person? What if we could apply what we know about astrology and encode healing into our knitted items? Take it up a notch!
That my friends, is my ultimately missions with Astraknots. I've already started a process of mapping the various elements of astrology - signs, planets, aspects, etc - to their seemingly connected fibers, colors, stitch patterns, etc. I've gathered these connections thru research, and since there is no authority on the subject, I've also utilized my strong intuition.
I'm striving to not hold myself to perfection on the matter, because I've been working on this project for several years now, and it may never come out into the world if I keep waiting to get it just right.
And so, I invite you to join me on this journey. If you have knowledge of Astrology, or the fiber arts, to help me refine these connections and see what healing and beauty we can create in the world. Let me help draw the 'map' that will lead us all to spreading more love in the world, one stitch at a time.
My career path has often circled around a particular theme, one of 'maps'. In fact I started out on a research project named MAPS (Memory Aided Prompting System) which was a mobile application (back before mobile devices were ubiquitous) that allowed caregivers to configure a set of visual and audio prompts for people with developmental disabilities. After college, my first job was for a GIS (geo-spatial information systems) company, working on proprietary software that enabled searching and mapping out everything involved with gas and electric utilities on digital maps. While I was there, I almost took a job in another area I have a strong interest, genetics, working on mapping the genome. This was similar to a college project where I helped create a application that matched up rat, mouse and human genomes.
So I've always been passionate about 'mappings'. And I love reading about the human brain. There are a lot of similarities between computers and brains, and I love drawing connections between as many things as possible. Just as computers run on code, I believe life does too. And this reminds me of course of astrology, which is like a star map of the cosmos, drawing connections within and between human life.
Speaking of code, I find that knitting patterns are written in a specific language, one that is encoded. I was once asked if I could encode secret messages in knitting patterns. That made me laugh - but sure! I told him. And that has made me think, what if we encoded particular intention into our knitting? I believe we already do, when we knit something for someone's baby, or knit a gift, aren't we encoding the intention of spreading love and sending appreciation to that person? What if we could apply what we know about astrology and encode healing into our knitted items? Take it up a notch!
That my friends, is my ultimately missions with Astraknots. I've already started a process of mapping the various elements of astrology - signs, planets, aspects, etc - to their seemingly connected fibers, colors, stitch patterns, etc. I've gathered these connections thru research, and since there is no authority on the subject, I've also utilized my strong intuition.
I'm striving to not hold myself to perfection on the matter, because I've been working on this project for several years now, and it may never come out into the world if I keep waiting to get it just right.
And so, I invite you to join me on this journey. If you have knowledge of Astrology, or the fiber arts, to help me refine these connections and see what healing and beauty we can create in the world. Let me help draw the 'map' that will lead us all to spreading more love in the world, one stitch at a time.