Very excited about my recent pattern I just listed for sale - (buy pattern link - $5.00). It is the Broncos hat pattern I created several years ago actually, as a gift. Then more recently I had a student interested in knitting it so taught her the pattern. Now I've sold a few copies and am so stoked!! Of course, the Broncos making it to the super bowl TOTALLY HELPS, but hey... I'm not sure I was actually prepared for it happening this year!
You always think, in the back of your head, 'Oh yeah, the Broncos are going to the super bowl'. But you kinda say it half-jokingly. Especially when our star quarter back gets injured. But then you get really excited about Brockopolypse, and then suddenly Peyton is playing again, and before you know it I'm wearing my Broncos shwag to work every day to compete in a Super Fan competition. And oh yeah, I won! In fact, I even got a little interview on the 'built in Colorado' website: ... Totally not bragging, but I am pretty damn proud that I knitted all my Broncos stuff I'm wearing! The legwarmer pattern is my own design as well. I've gotten several compliments, maybe I should think about selling that pattern as well? |

Not every January in Colorado can you say you got a sunburn. But I guess technically I was visiting Arizona when I got sunburnt. The sun was warm so we sat out in it all day. Not a bad sunburn either. We were out visiting my to-be in-laws and I got a lot of knitting time in! (See photo for progress). Finally some dedicated knitting time, and not just on the plane!
When I'm at home these days, and actually have time for crafting, mostly it has to be dedicated to wedding crafting! As I'm getting married this summer, and I have to craft a lot for it! Last night I finally got started on my bouquet, which I crocheted several flowers for. Super excited to see how that all comes together. I'll be sure to post some pics post wedding.
When I'm at home these days, and actually have time for crafting, mostly it has to be dedicated to wedding crafting! As I'm getting married this summer, and I have to craft a lot for it! Last night I finally got started on my bouquet, which I crocheted several flowers for. Super excited to see how that all comes together. I'll be sure to post some pics post wedding.